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About us

Notre histoire

​In an increasingly multipolar world, nations will need to expand and diversify their partnerships. As students, we believe it is essential to explore ways to promote more equitable and varied international relations, grounded in multilateralism and mutually beneficial agreements. Inspired by the spirit of Convivencia in Al-Andalus, we aim to leverage the collective intelligence of students worldwide to advocate for new multipolar partnerships that can foster diversified economies, global peace initiatives, and intercultural dialogue.


​Our Committee was founded with the aim of studying and strengthening the relationship between the Arab and Hispanic worlds, recognizing it as a prime example of promising yet underutilized South-South cooperation. As our work evolved, we realized that our approach could be extended to identify and promote more underexplored international partnerships in the context of a multilateral world order. Our mission, therefore, is to lay the foundation for new global collaborations, particularly within the Global South, as we anticipate the growing need for diversified state relations in the coming decades.


Human and Cultural Links


Fostering understanding and appreciation of the shared heritage, values, and traditions.


Economics and Trade

Exploring avenues for mutually beneficial economic partnerships and trade agreements.

Diplomacy and Multilateralism


Facilitating dialogue, collaboration, and conflict resolution through diplomatic channels and multilateral forums.

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